Meeting Area

Meeting Area is a seated area inside the Slush venue specifically reserved for taking meetings. For each meeting in the Meeting Area, there’s a table reserved for the duration of the meeting (25 minutes). Only people with a meeting have access to the Meeting Area, so you can be sure that your table is waiting for you when your meeting is starting.

Meeting Area map

Meeting Area map

1—on—1 Point

1—on—1 Point is a spot inside the Slush Venue where you can easily find the person you are meeting with. The difference with Meeting Area is that there is no table reservation — it’s a location to conveniently locate the person you are meeting with. Once you have found each other, the actual meeting can take place anywhere, for example, the dining area or one of our ad hoc workspaces.

Grab a coffee

Grab a coffee ****means you can send a meeting request without a specified location – book a time with someone and suggest a spot to meet from the Slush Venue yourself through the chat found in Matchmaking.

<aside> 💡 In addition, if the person you are meeting with is involved with a company that has a lounge or a booth, you can suggest having the meeting there.
